I've had several dogs in my life including 2 Springer Spaniels. My first family dog as a child was a springer. SAM. Sam was more than a handfull for me as a young whipper snapper. He'd pull me down to the vacant lot nearby every morning to do his business.I tried real hard to shirk that responsability but still we bonded.
Much later in life a second springer came into my life. He was an abused dog that came looking for a good home. Rocky was the best dog I've ever shared my life with. He's been gone over a decade but still people talk about him. He was a gentle soul with everyone he met.
Rocky loved cheese. Boy did he love cheese. We lived in a rural area where he was free to roam. No matter how far away he was he'd always come running when I went outside and shook his cheese slicer. It made a tiny ratteling noise, but he'd hear it every time.
This is why we are investigating rescueing a springer spaniel. We researched online and have found several candidates. We've been approved for adoption by the "English Springer Rescue Association or ERSA. Due to my handicapp we are looking for a mellow dog and so the search continues. I hope to log more here soon.