Friday, December 2, 2011

We heard from ESRA

I got a call this afternoon from a very sweet lady. Sharon of the ESRA illinois. We didcusssed my limitations and dog choices.  It seems her husband has MS too so she is familiar with balance problems.  The dog in question was too big and too active for me, we decided.  It was 70 lbs and had a habit of jumping up on people.  that was totally not what I needed.

She was aware of another dog...only 32 pounds, very mellow, foster mom would deliver from MO.  No charge.  Sounds good?  Well... 8 years old sort of a strike not out, diabetes.. uh oh.. missing one eye,  poor girl.  Well shes out, too much commitment for this old handicapped man.  Most of the work would fall on my wifes shoulders and I can't do that to her.  She already takes care of me, runs errands for my mom, and works full time.

So, the look continues.  I know we'll find a match soon.  Until then I'll just have to be content drawing dogs.

Oh btw, speaking of drawing dogs,  I got my calander from Zazzle today.  The one with the dogs that I drew.  VERY COOL!!  It came out looking great with portraits so good there are 12 pieces of art.